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Destination: Jesus

State-Line Motorcycle Ministry is a non-profit organization based in Greenville, South Carolina that shares the love of Jesus with our nation's bikers. We have a Godly board of directors and a motorcycle minister. We witness at bike rallies and bike runs. We hold Bible classes, sponsor retreats and host Sunday Bible Studies. Because where most people see a frightening, intimidating biker, God sees a disciple.

The goal of State-Line Motorcycle Ministry is to introduce our nation's bikers to Jesus and lead them to local churches and Christian organizations, so their passion for Christ exceeds their passion for riding. We're here to create disciples on two wheels.

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I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland with motorcycles as an important part of my life. But God

came first from the age of 25, when I was saved. I eventually sold my bikes to attend Bob Jones

University and join the ministry. I worked my way through college as a mechanic, and one day a

customer was unable to pay for my services - so he offered me a used motorcycle. That's when I

started to attend local bike rallies.


The History


At my second rally, while waiting in line

for a soft drink, God spoke to me. He

asked me why I wasn't witnessing to

my fellow bikers. Since that day,

week-by-week, rally-by-rally,

God's motorcycle ministry

has grown.


Now I've been riding eighteen years for the Lord, twelve years full-time. So the next time you hear the 

thump-thump-thumping of a motorcycle down the street, think of it not as a sound of potential trouble,

but as the sound of potential salvation.


We're on...

